Sunday, October 6, 2013

Nugget #109 - Positive energy: Sound Principal

So what was the sound principal Mother Teresa was acting on? 

But first, our universe (both spiritual and physical) was created with and sustained byboth positive and negative forces.  In fact our TNK speaks of light and darkness throughout the text.  We find darkness a time of fear, dread, anxiety, instability, coldness, and a whole host of other negative things.  While light gives us clear vision, hope, warmth, security, and other positive things.  Many examples can be found in the Psalms alone dealing with light and darkness.

Our thoughts create negative and positive energies.   Our emotions create negative and positive energies.  Our physical universe is founded on negative and positive energies.  Everything in our physical universe has been and is the result of electro-magnetism.  Creation cannot escape it.

Creation was created with these polar opposites.  In the grand scheme of things the Creator is a positive force.  Meaning the negative cannot overwhelm the positive force and so in total creation is founded on the positive.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Nugget #108 Positive energy: Mother Teresa

Recently I found an interesting story about Mother Teresa that fell into the same idea of positive energy (in terms of positive speech). There was an Anti-War group that asked Mother Teresa to attend. Her response was interesting. She completely and emphatically refused, to the astonishment of the organizers of the Anti-War group. They were totally confused by her words and reaction. 

Let’s put ourselves in the Anti-War group’s shoes. They are a group of people tired of war and the loss of lives, which most of the times is needless. Mother Teresa seemed to be a perfect person to bolster their efforts and give them legitimacy in the eyes of many. Mother Teresa has seen the results first hand of war. What a great keynote attendant and speaker! Then she flat out refuses. 

What was her objection? It was because they were “Anti-War” protesters not “Pro-Peace” protesters. At first glance this seems more like semantics and worse yet nitpicky. But there was a sound principal employed that was also echoed in the Rabbi’s mother-in-law’s home.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Nugget #107 Positive energy: Shalom Beit

A few months ago I had the pleasure of meeting the mother-in-law of our Rabbi. It was pure pleasure to have met her for a few reasons. But there was one reason in particular. She was a woman that believed in and enforced a home of “Shalom Beit” (Peaceful Home). She was very demanding on ridding her home of any negativity and thus only kept positive energy in house.

There was a time that her and her husband had a very sick child in the home. It was to a point that even her husband was feeling down over the matter. She, however, kept going and asked her husband to leave the house for a few hours when she noticed he was down. She knew he needed to go out and find a way to release that negative energy someplace else. He did just that.

She was very fastidious about keeping the home cleansed of negative energy thus maintaining a positive environment.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Nugget #106 – False gods: No religion please

In light of what we just covered with G-dliness, we have to suggest worship is not what we would call a worship service with music, singing, praying, and readings.  Yes, these are very beautiful expressions of “worship” but they are not “worthship”.  On a physical level they are wonderful but on a spiritual level they can be very vain and lacking any redemptive quality.

Worship is compliance, submission of oneself (elohim) to emulate Elohim.  It is that simple.  It is difficult to implement but easy to understand.  To bow down means to submit to the proper order established by Elohim’s attributes. 

We should be “singing” to harmonize our elohim to Elohim.  We should be “praying” to earnestly request help to bridle the ego’s attempt to prevent that compliance and harmonization.  Religions will not accomplish this!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Nugget #105 – False gods: Attainment

The attribute associated to that name is what we are after.  It is what we are looking to emulate.  G-d is G-d so it is imperative for us to make ourselves like G-d.  We are to attain the name/attribute. 

Kabbalist have a saying, “what we do not attain we do not know by name.”  We cannot name something we have not attained.  Meaning we cannot name what we cannot understand.  In order to understand we must be able to implement or apply.  So the name of something requires us to apprehend an intimacy with that something.  Saying names like Jehovah, Yahovah,  Yah, HaShem, Adonai, or any other name does not guaranteed the speaking has an attainment associated to that name.  Yet many of us think a person is somehow “holy” because of uttering such names.  Or worse yet think they are more “holy” simply because they speak that name.

Our society is quick to throughout names of things it really has no knowledge of simply to create an illusion of knowledge.  In the spiritual we cannot do that.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Nugget #104 – False gods: “Proclaim the Name!”

Worthship can be induced by the person that wants to be worshipped or by a person or people that want that person, place, thing, or thought to be a god.  For instance a statue cannot be a false god by its own choice; rather it is worshipped by others that make it into a false god.

It is important to note that a name does not make something a false god.  Uttering a name does not make a G-d or false god.  A name is a sound.  In essences it is meaningless.  The concept of power in the name is a Greek concept.  So professing a name does nothing.

Can we proclaim a name instead?  Yes, but proclaim not by sound but by deed with proper intent.  This transform our attributes, bringing them into balance is the true “proclamation”.  Utter no words, “just do it!” as Nike tells us.

Worthship can be induced by the person that wants to be worshipped or by a person or people that want that person, place, thing, or thought to be a god.  For instance a statue cannot be a false god by its own choice; rather it is worshipped by others that make it into a false god.

It is important to note that a name does not make something a false god.  Uttering a name does not make a G-d or false god.  A name is a sound.  In essences it is meaningless.  The concept of power in the name is a Greek concept.  So professing a name does nothing.

Can we proclaim a name instead?  Yes, but proclaim not by sound but by deed with proper intent.  This transform our attributes, bringing them into balance is the true “proclamation”.  Utter no words, “just do it!” as Nike tells us.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Nugget #103 – False gods: “Worthship”

So let’s consider: if Elohim/G-d is in balance and unified and we are essentially opposites, then being G-dly is achieving a balanced elohim within us.  So a True G-d is the unified balance of Elohim.  A false god is one that creates or sustains an imbalance of that union within us.

The old English word for “worship” is “worthship”.  What do we “worthship”?  Is it a person, doctrine, religion, philosophy, teacher, a religious leader, statue, money, sex, drugs, possessions, political party, cars, dresses, entertainers, and so forth?

Ask your Self: Do these people, places, things, and thoughts produce or sustain an imbalance (in the 10 attributes) in our lives, in society’s lives?  If so they are false gods!